“When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” - Alexander Den Heijer
Hi Ami,
I don't have a green thumb, but I am learning.
My husband does all of the gardening. He created many large garden beds and an orchard in our yard, making our outdoor space magical.
I especially love the Spring and Summer for their fruits, veggies, and gorgeous flowers.
So when my husband gave me a braided hibiscus on my first Mother's Day, I was surprised at how much I loved it and wanted to take care of it.
I have been given plants before, but I never cared that much about them.
But not this one.
The red-orange blooms were lovely, but the plant seemed sickly at times.
It's a tropical plant, so it spends the summer outside, and then we bring it inside during the winter.
And it would bloom for a bit, and then it would stop producing flowers.
It was still alive but not thriving, especially during the winter months when it was inside.
So, I started learning how to help it grow and bloom.
I reminded myself that there was nothing wrong with the plant. It simply needed a change of environment.
Indoors, I would have to move it from room to room.
We have central heat, but we use our living room fireplace a lot, so that room gets toasty warm in the winter.
But that heat only reaches some of the rooms because of the shape of my house.
It was like Goldilocks - the living room was too hot, the guest room was too cold, but the kitchen was just right.
The kitchen was warm enough, and the sunshine through the window was perfect.
Then I learned I needed to feed it differently, so I gave it some organic fertilizer to give it more nutrients.
I also needed to water it more. It's a tropical flower, so it needs lots of water.
And yes, I gave it filtered water - plants don't like chemicals, either.
And then I waited because it takes some time to see results when you plant a seed or start nourishing a plant.
And what happened?
My beautiful braided hibiscus started to produce blooms, dozens of them!
Bright orange flowers that said thank you for caring for me. :)
I share this because our bodies resemble the plants and gardens we nurture and grow.
You start with a seed.
You feed your body the nutrients to help it grow.
That looks like lots of whole foods and targeted supplements to help give it the vitamins and minerals our body needs.
You ensure the right amount of sunshine, clean air, and TLC.
And you drink pure water to hydrate your cells.
From there, you wait and trust.
For signs of growth. For signs of life.
When you plant your garden in the spring, you know you won't see that blossom for several weeks.
Similarly, your body generates new cells every day. These cells make up sperm and egg, which are the genetic components of your future baby.
And you can control how you feed these cells.
Egg (and sperm) cells can be nurtured to their most fertile by giving them what they need and then trusting in the process.
You are born with all the eggs you will have, and while you cannot change their quantity, you can improve the quality of those that remain.
Give your body (and your male partner, too) at least 90 days to optimize the quality of your cells.
Give it what it needs, believe and nurture it, and watch the seeds you sow turn into beautiful blooms.
And if you want guidance on what's best for you - since everybody is different - I can help you.
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